Podcasts I've Been Listening To: April 2020

April 13, 2020

I love listening to podcasts. Podcasts are my thing. I've been listening to various different podcasts since about 2009 and I've been hooked ever since. I used to listen to music in my free time or in my commute to work, but since I've discovered podcasts, I've slowly phased music out until I hardly listen to it at all. Since podcasts are something that I love to talk about, here are some of my current favorites.

1. Potterless Podcast: A Grown Man Reads Harry Potter for the First Time

Mike Schubert had never read the Harry Potter series as a kid and even only saw the first couple of movies. In this podcast, he starts reading the books and jokingly makes fun of all the plot holes. Each episode has a guest host that is usually a Harry Potter fanatic. I've really been enjoying this podcast so I've decided to use it as a way to re-read the series. Currently I'm reading and listening my way through the third book, only continuing to read after I've completed the appropriate chapter.

2. Down the Hill: The Delphi Murders

One of my favorite type of podcasts are true crime podcasts, specifically cold case murder podcasts. The Delphi murders are not necessarily a cold case as it's still an open investigation, but it is just as fascinating. Basically, it's about two teenage girls who were murdered and found on the outskirts of their small town.

3. After Buzz TV's Married at First Sight

One of my favorite guilty pleasure TV shows is Married at First Sight. I love this experiment where strangers marry each other and try to decide if they could make a marriage work. After watching the show, I like to listen to commentary and I love hearing other people's perspectives on these relationships. I also do this with The Bachelor, when it's on, where I listen to an after show podcast. It's very satisfying to know that other people also like to watch these people's train wreck lives!

These are just a few of the podcasts that I'm currently enjoying in my headphones. And I'm always on the hunt for new ones and open to recommendations! So if you know of any that you think I might like, I would love to know in the comments!

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