Let's Discuss: The Case for Non-Fiction

August 17, 2017

Hey readers! Welcome to Let's Discuss; a weekly post discussing bookish related topics. This week I'm talking about non-fiction and why I love to read it.

Like I said before, I love to read non-fiction. And when I say non-fiction, I don't mean celebrity memoirs. Not that there's anything wrong with a celebrity memoir, I currently have one on my TBR just waiting to be read. But for me, when it comes to a non-fiction book, I want to learn something or I want to read a harrowing story from someone's life or I want to be blown away by something that happened in history that I would never known about unless I read this book.

Here are some of the non-fiction books that I've read previous and have really loved:

  • Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick- I read this book in 2016 and it was one of my favorite books of the year! It literally changed my world view and ever since I've been completely fascinated with North Korea. While reading Nothing to Envy, I felt like I was reading something that happened over one hundred years ago because it was so atrocious and inhumane but it happened when I was in the eighth grade. I highly recommend reading it!

  • The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner- Another book that created a new reading obsession: the FLDS cult of Mormons. I absolutely could not believe the way Ruth was raised and the squalor that she lived in. And Ruth's grandparents encouraged her mother to become one of the many wives of Ruth's father in the first place! It just seriously boggles my mind that some people are so easily brainwashed. The most heartbreaking were the things that happened to two of Ruth's sisters who were born mentally deficient. If you want to know what happens, read it! 

  • Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic by David Quammen- Let me start by saying that this book is not for everyone. There is a lot of medical jargon going on and a whole slew of diseases that I've never heard of, but I learned so much! If there is anything you wanted to know about infections diseases and where they come from this book is for you! Spoiler alert: Almost everything comes from monkeys. 

Here are some non-fiction books currently on my TBR that I'm hoping to read by the end of this year:

Do you read non-fiction as well? What are some of your favorite non-fiction books? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. I don't read a ton of non-fiction, but Erik Larson is one of my favorite non-fiction writers. He writes about interesting topics, like a hurricane in Galveston, the World's Fair in Chicago, and the Lusitania.

    1. Thanks Angela! I'll definitely have to check out his books!

  2. YES! I love nonfiction. I wish more bloggers read it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I wish more bloggers read non-fiction too! I have a hard time finding great non-fiction that aren't celebrity memoirs. I'm always down for a good non-fiction recommendation!

  3. I don't read nearly enough non- fiction although I did used to read biographies occasionally. Or histories. Spillover looks terrifying and fascinating at the same time! And now I'm curious what's up with the monkeys??

  4. Ahhhh I love this post! I love nonfiction and I've been reading a lot of it this year, almost the most out of any other genre except for historical fiction. Mostly I read nonfiction about certain periods in history that I'm fascinated with. Right now I'm actually reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. Needless to say it's brilliant so far! ♥
