How I'm Slowing the Spread and Spending My Time

April 9, 2020

Wow! What a time to be alive! I literally can't believe that we are living through an actual pandemic right now. A lot of craziness is going on in the world and in order to keep me and my family safe, we have been social distancing, self-isolating or quarantined or whatever you want to call it.

We are on week 3. Day 23 as I'm writing this.

I'm lucky and privileged to be a teacher right now. I'm a special education teacher in CCSD in Nevada and luckily they have allowed us to figure out this whole distance learning thing so I haven't lost any pay. I'm lucky and privileged to be able to send my children to a private daycare that was nice enough to let us pull them out without having to pay for the time that they're not in attendance. That right there is saving us so much money. We are lucky and privileged that my husband is a real estate agent and somehow still has business coming in with the interest rates being so low. We are lucky and privileged to live in a state that hasn't been hit nearly as hard as some of the others. We are lucky and privileged and I'm so grateful.

I'm grateful for the extra time that I'm getting to spend with my children. I'm grateful that we have a nice neighborhood where we can walk around daily. I'm grateful for the technology that allows me to participate in weekly staff and special ed meetings. I'm grateful that my children are young enough so this time is just fun at home time and that they don't understand fear and anxiety yet.

Now that I have a lot of extra time, I've picked up my books again and gotten back into my blog. I'm also taking my last three classes over the summer so even though school will be starting again, I know I'll still have time to keep up with reading and blogging.

Although there is a lot going on in the world right now, there is still so much for us to be grateful for. I hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. I love your positive attitude! It can be too easy to dwell on the things that are going wrong, but we all have a lot to be thankful for.
